For who?
National plates can be requested by any natural person or company in Belgium.
National plates are linked to one vehicle (meaning one VIN number) and are valid, only in Belgium, during 20 consecutive days in order to complete any of the following formalities:
• Delivery of the vehicle
• Presenting the vehicle at the technical inspection
• Presenting the vehicle in order to acquire an individual type approval
National plates can only be requested once per year for the same vehicle and the same holder.
A national plate is canceled automatically at the end of it’s 20 day validity period and does not have to be returned to bpost.
How can I request a national plate?
Pass by your insurance agent to acquire a ‘Aanvraag tot inschrijving’ (pink registration form) with a white insurance sticker + a copy of the previous registration paper(s) of the vehicle + the e705-form (only for imported vehicles) + double sided copy of the eID card.
Requests received by us before 9:30 in the morning will be delivered by bpost within 2 working days.
Production, printing and delivery of the national plates with bpost cost €75. Both the front and rear plates are included in this price. This sum is to be paid directly to bpost.
Costs for our services are €50, VAT included.
A national plate is valid for 20 consecutive calendar days. (The last valid date is indicated by the year on the plate in addition to two stickers indicating day and month.)
The duration can not be extended past the initial 20 dates.
National plates are subject to the kilometertaxation.
National plates fall under the scope of road pricing.